Joystick Magazine 2000 February
cd joystick no112 fevrier 2000.iso
Text File
2,044 lines
object MagicWin: TMagicWin
Left = 305
Top = 142
Height = 412
Width = 787
object Dlg: TAOWWindow
Visible = False
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 272
WinWidth = 440
Masked = False
OnHide = DlgHide
OnShow = DlgShow
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
WinManager = General.Manager
UseVMem = True
BorderWidth = 4
BorderHeight = 4
OverlapTopCorners = False
Cursor = crDefault
DoubleBuffered = True
MaskColor = clBlack
FreeSurfaceOnHide = True
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 2
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
DragHeight = 20
Draggable = True
Resizable = True
OnResize = DlgResize
MinWidth = 440
MinHeight = 160
MaxWidth = 1280
MaxHeight = 1024
UseManagerBorders = True
Modal = False
WinHeight = 160
Dockable = False
Left = 40
Top = 8
object OWTitle: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 23
WinTop = 4
AOWWindow = Dlg
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 23
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 4
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = 'Magic Management'
TextColor = clBlack
Left = 80
Top = 8
object OWTitleIc: TAOWImage
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 2
WinTop = 2
AOWWindow = Dlg
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
ImageLib = IntGfxMod.TitleIcons
AnimStart = 0
CurrentImage = 0
AnimEnd = 0
WinWidth = 18
WinHeight = 15
Animate = False
AnimFrameDelay = 0
Left = 128
Top = 8
object HeaderTab: TAOWTabPanel
Priority = 1000
WinLeft = 4
WinTop = 19
AOWWindow = Dlg
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 4
Alignment.RightOffset = 3
Alignment.TopOffset = 19
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Items.Strings = (
BorderHeight = 6
OnChange = HeaderTabChange
Selected = 0
WinWidth = 433
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = 9415072
ILButton = IntGfxMod.CeltDeco
ILIndexDown = 67
ILIndexUp = 70
BorderHeightSelected = 7
Left = 248
Top = 8
object OWRPillar: TAoWFrame
Visible = False
Priority = 500
WinLeft = 367
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = Dlg
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
WinWidth = 70
WinHeight = 222
FrameType = frVertLine
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexLine = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
Left = 320
Top = 8
object OWLPillar: TAoWFrame
Visible = False
Priority = 500
WinLeft = 3
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = Dlg
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
WinWidth = 70
WinHeight = 222
FrameType = frVertLine
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexLine = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
Left = 376
Top = 8
object T1Pnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 1
WinLeft = 5
WinTop = 39
WinWidth = 430
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 5
Alignment.RightOffset = 5
Alignment.TopOffset = 39
Alignment.BottomOffset = 5
WinHeight = 116
AOWWindow = Dlg
TabPanel = HeaderTab
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 2
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 32
Top = 56
object ResearchPoints: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 180
WinTop = 6
AOWWindow = ResPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 8
Alignment.TopOffset = 6
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = '30'
TextColor = clSilver
Left = 192
Top = 152
object ResLbl: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 10
WinTop = 6
AOWWindow = ResPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 10
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 6
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = 'Research Points'
TextColor = 9415072
Left = 144
Top = 152
object T2Pnl: TAOWPanel
Visible = False
Priority = 1
WinLeft = 8
WinTop = 44
WinWidth = 424
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 8
Alignment.RightOffset = 8
Alignment.TopOffset = 44
Alignment.BottomOffset = 5
WinHeight = 111
AOWWindow = Dlg
TabPanel = HeaderTab
ILIndexFrame = 105
ILIndexTexture = 2
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 440
Top = 10
object T2LBPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 422
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 1
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 4
WinHeight = 107
AOWWindow = T2Pnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 105
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 464
Top = 56
object EnchantmentList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = EnchantmentListMouseDown
Priority = 30
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 20
Masked = False
WinWidth = 160
WinHeight = 73
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
OnChange = EnchantmentListChange
OnDoubleClick = EnchantmentListDoubleClick
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taLeft
Left = 512
Top = 56
object EnchantmentSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Enchantment'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 160
OnClick = EnchantmentSortBtnClick
Left = 512
Top = 8
object UpkeepList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = EnchantmentListMouseDown
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 344
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 82
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 20
Masked = False
WinWidth = 78
WinHeight = 73
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
VScrollBar = EnchantmentSB
OnChange = UpkeepListChange
OnDoubleClick = EnchantmentListDoubleClick
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taCenter
Left = 608
Top = 56
object UpkeepSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 345
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Mana Upkeep'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 77
OnClick = UpkeepSortBtnClick
Left = 608
Top = 8
object BindingList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = EnchantmentListMouseDown
Priority = 20
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 38
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 77
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 20
Masked = False
WinWidth = 185
WinHeight = 73
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
OnChange = BindingListChange
OnDoubleClick = EnchantmentListDoubleClick
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taLeft
Left = 560
Top = 56
object BindingSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 38
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 76
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Binding'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 186
OnClick = BindingSortBtnClick
Left = 560
Top = 8
object ResPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 1
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 21
WinWidth = 202
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 22
WinHeight = 22
AOWWindow = LeftFr
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 88
Top = 152
object NetMana: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 145
WinTop = 6
AOWWindow = NetManaPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 8
Alignment.TopOffset = 6
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = '20-18=2'
TextColor = clSilver
Left = 192
Top = 200
object NetMamaLbl: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 10
WinTop = 6
AOWWindow = NetManaPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 10
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 6
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = 'Net Mana Income'
TextColor = 9415072
Left = 144
Top = 200
object NetManaPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 42
WinWidth = 202
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
WinHeight = 22
AOWWindow = LeftFr
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 88
Top = 200
object T3Pnl: TAOWPanel
Visible = False
Priority = 1
WinLeft = 8
WinTop = 44
WinWidth = 424
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 8
Alignment.RightOffset = 8
Alignment.TopOffset = 44
Alignment.BottomOffset = 5
WinHeight = 111
AOWWindow = Dlg
TabPanel = HeaderTab
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 105
ILIndexTexture = 2
OwnerItem = 2
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 440
Top = 106
object T3LBPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 422
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 1
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 4
WinHeight = 107
AOWWindow = T3Pnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILIndexFrame = 105
ILIndexTexture = 0
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 464
Top = 152
object GlobalEnchantmentList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = GlobalEnchantmentMouseDown
Priority = 30
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 20
Masked = False
WinWidth = 160
WinHeight = 73
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
OnChange = GlobalEnchantmentListChange
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taLeft
Left = 512
Top = 152
object GlobalEnchantmentSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Global Enchantment'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 160
OnClick = GlobalEnchantmentSortBtnClick
Left = 512
Top = 104
object GlobalUpkeepList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = GlobalEnchantmentMouseDown
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 344
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 82
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 20
Masked = False
WinWidth = 78
WinHeight = 73
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
VScrollBar = GlobalEnchantmentSB
OnChange = GlobalUpkeepListChange
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taCenter
Left = 608
Top = 152
object GlobalUpkeepSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 345
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Mana Upkeep'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 77
OnClick = GlobalUpkeepSortBtnClick
Left = 608
Top = 104
object GlobalNameList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = GlobalEnchantmentMouseDown
Priority = 20
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 38
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 77
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 20
Masked = False
WinWidth = 185
WinHeight = 73
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
OnChange = GlobalNameListChange
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taLeft
Left = 560
Top = 152
object GlobalNameSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 38
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 76
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Owner'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 186
OnClick = GlobalNameSortBtnClick
Left = 560
Top = 104
object RightPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 219
WinTop = 2
WinWidth = 203
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 51
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 2
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
WinHeight = 113
AOWWindow = T1Pnl
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 232
Top = 56
object SpellName: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 60
WinTop = 8
AOWWindow = SpellPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 60
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 8
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = '#########'
TextColor = clSilver
Left = 376
Top = 56
object GlobalDispelBtn: TAOWButton
Visible = False
Priority = 50
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 86
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderHeight = 5
BorderHeightSelected = 5
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 97
ILIndexLit = 100
ILIndexUp = 94
Text = 'Remove'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 160
OnClick = GlobalDispelBtnClick
Left = 704
Top = 152
object DispelBtn: TAOWButton
Visible = False
Priority = 50
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 86
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderHeight = 5
BorderHeightSelected = 5
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 97
ILIndexLit = 100
ILIndexUp = 94
Text = 'Remove'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 160
OnClick = DispelBtnClick
Left = 720
Top = 56
object ResearchBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 10
WinTop = 86
AOWWindow = RightPnl
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Opens the spell research book.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 5
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 5
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderHeight = 6
BorderHeightSelected = 6
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 46
ILIndexLit = 49
ILIndexUp = 43
Text = 'Research'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 183
OnClick = ResearchBtnClick
Left = 280
Top = 104
object ResearchTurnsLeft: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 69
WinTop = 50
AOWWindow = SpellPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 3
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = '########'
TextColor = clSilver
Left = 376
Top = 200
object SpellClass: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 60
WinTop = 22
AOWWindow = SpellPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 60
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 22
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
Text = '##########'
TextColor = 9415072
Left = 376
Top = 104
object SpellPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 13
WinWidth = 203
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 35
WinHeight = 65
AOWWindow = RightPnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 121
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 280
Top = 56
object SpellCost: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 60
WinTop = 34
AOWWindow = SpellPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 60
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 34
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
Text = '#########'
TextColor = 9415072
Left = 376
Top = 152
object SpellIcn: TAOWImage
OnDraw = SpellIcnDraw
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 8
WinTop = 8
AOWWindow = SpellPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 8
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 8
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
ImageLib = IntGfxMod.ProdWin
AnimStart = 0
CurrentImage = 0
AnimEnd = 0
WinWidth = 40
WinHeight = 35
Animate = False
AnimFrameDelay = 0
Left = 328
Top = 56
object Minimize: TAOWButton
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 421
WinTop = 1
AOWWindow = Dlg
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Minimizes the window.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 4
Alignment.TopOffset = 1
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
BorderHeight = 0
BorderHeightSelected = 0
ILIcon = IntGfxMod.GenericI
ILIndexDown = 4
ILIndexLit = 5
ILIndexUp = 3
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 15
OnClick = MinimizeClick
Left = 208
Top = 8
object ChangePowerBut: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 10
WinTop = 86
AOWWindow = LeftPnl
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Sets the division of power between mana generation and spell res' +
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 5
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 40
Alignment.BottomOffset = 5
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderHeight = 6
BorderHeightSelected = 6
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 46
ILIndexLit = 49
ILIndexUp = 43
Text = 'Power Distribution'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 183
OnClick = ChangePowerButClick
Left = 88
Top = 248
object Power: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 180
WinTop = 6
AOWWindow = PowePnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 8
Alignment.TopOffset = 6
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = '50'
TextColor = clSilver
Left = 192
Top = 112
object PowerLbl: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 10
WinTop = 6
AOWWindow = PowePnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 10
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 6
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = 'Power Base'
TextColor = 9415072
Left = 144
Top = 112
object PowePnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 1
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 202
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 78
WinHeight = 22
AOWWindow = LeftFr
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 88
Top = 112
object LeftPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 8
WinTop = 2
WinWidth = 203
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 2
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 51
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
WinHeight = 113
AOWWindow = T1Pnl
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 88
Top = 56
object NonePnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 13
WinWidth = 203
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 35
WinHeight = 65
AOWWindow = RightPnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 121
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 288
Top = 248
object NoneMsg: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 23
WinTop = 26
AOWWindow = NonePnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 60
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 8
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = 'No spell is being researched'
TextColor = 9415072
Left = 376
Top = 248
object T4Pnl: TAOWPanel
Visible = False
Priority = 1
WinLeft = 8
WinTop = 44
WinWidth = 424
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 8
Alignment.RightOffset = 8
Alignment.TopOffset = 44
Alignment.BottomOffset = 5
WinHeight = 111
AOWWindow = Dlg
TabPanel = HeaderTab
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 105
ILIndexTexture = 2
OwnerItem = 3
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 440
Top = 202
object T4LBPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 422
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 1
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 4
WinHeight = 107
AOWWindow = T4Pnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILIndexFrame = 105
ILIndexTexture = 0
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 464
Top = 248
object PowerValueList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = PowerValueListMouseDown
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 344
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T4LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 82
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
Masked = False
WinWidth = 78
WinHeight = 92
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
VScrollBar = PowerSB
OnChange = PowerValueListChange
OnDoubleClick = PowerSourceListDoubleClick
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taCenter
Left = 608
Top = 248
object PowerValueSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 344
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T4LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Amount'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 78
OnClick = PowerValueSortBtnClick
Left = 608
Top = 200
object PowerSourceList: TAOWListBox
OnMouseDown = PowerValueListMouseDown
Priority = 20
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T4LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 77
Alignment.TopOffset = 14
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
Masked = False
WinWidth = 344
WinHeight = 92
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
BorderWidth = 6
BorderHeight = 3
OnChange = PowerSourceListChange
OnDoubleClick = PowerSourceListDoubleClick
Selected = -1
TextColor = 9415072
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.Menus
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTNormal = 21
ILIndexTSelected = 8
ItemHeight = 17
TextAlign = taLeft
Left = 560
Top = 248
object PowerSourceSortBtn: TAOWButton
Priority = 100
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 0
AOWWindow = T4LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 77
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 3
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 88
ILIndexLit = 91
ILIndexUp = 85
Text = 'Source'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clWhite
WinWidth = 344
OnClick = PowerSourceSortBtnClick
Left = 560
Top = 200
object T2BottonPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 86
WinWidth = 261
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 38
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 1
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
WinHeight = 20
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 664
Top = 8
object EnchantmentSB: TAOWVScrollBar
Visible = False
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 405
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
Min = 0
Max = 0
SmallChange = 1
LargeChange = 1
Position = 0
WinHeight = 73
WinWidth = 17
NumberVisible = 1
OnChange = EnchantmentSBChange
VanishWhenFull = True
ILIInc = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILIDec = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILTBack = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILLTab = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILIndexIncUp = 96
ILIndexIncDown = 97
ILIndexDecUp = 94
ILIndexDecDown = 95
ILIndexBack = 101
ILIndexTab = 98
Left = 656
Top = 56
object GlobalEnchantmentSB: TAOWVScrollBar
Visible = False
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 405
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
Min = 0
Max = 0
SmallChange = 1
LargeChange = 1
Position = 0
WinHeight = 73
WinWidth = 17
NumberVisible = 1
OnChange = GlobalEnchantmentSBChange
VanishWhenFull = True
ILIInc = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILIDec = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILTBack = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILLTab = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILIndexIncUp = 96
ILIndexIncDown = 97
ILIndexDecUp = 94
ILIndexDecDown = 95
ILIndexBack = 101
ILIndexTab = 98
Left = 656
Top = 152
object PowerSB: TAOWVScrollBar
Visible = False
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 405
WinTop = 14
AOWWindow = T4LBPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
Min = 0
Max = 0
SmallChange = 1
LargeChange = 1
Position = 0
WinHeight = 92
WinWidth = 17
NumberVisible = 1
OnChange = PowerSBChange
VanishWhenFull = True
ILIInc = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILIDec = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILTBack = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILLTab = IntGfxMod.GenericS
ILIndexIncUp = 96
ILIndexIncDown = 97
ILIndexDecUp = 94
ILIndexDecDown = 95
ILIndexBack = 101
ILIndexTab = 98
Left = 656
Top = 248
object T3BottomPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 86
WinWidth = 261
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 38
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 1
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
WinHeight = 20
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 664
Top = 104
object LeftFr: TAOWPanel
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 13
WinWidth = 203
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 35
WinHeight = 65
AOWWindow = LeftPnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 105
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 32
Top = 112
object T2ButtonPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 86
WinWidth = 160
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
WinHeight = 20
AOWWindow = T2LBPnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 712
Top = 8
object T3ButtonPnl: TAOWPanel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 1
WinTop = 86
WinWidth = 160
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 1
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 1
WinHeight = 20
AOWWindow = T3LBPnl
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
ILIndexFrame = 113
ILIndexTexture = 18
OwnerItem = 1
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 712
Top = 104
object Translator: TIvTranslator
DictionaryName = 'AoW'
Left = 4
Top = 8
TargetsData = (
object Help: TAOWButton
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 405
WinTop = 1
AOWWindow = Dlg
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Displays Help for this window.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 20
Alignment.TopOffset = 1
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
BorderHeight = 0
BorderHeightSelected = 0
ILIcon = IntGfxMod.GenericI
ILIndexDown = 60
ILIndexLit = 61
ILIndexUp = 59
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 15
OnClick = HelpClick
Left = 168
Top = 8